
Climate Alarmism Liars Versus Climate Denialism Liars.

How Republican & Democrat Extremists Plan to Destroy Humanity. The so-called Climate controversy features extremists from both the left and right who are both seeking to gain political support as opposed to actually solving the problem.  The general approach on the left involves exaggerations of the threat of Climate Change, supported by equally exaggerated scientific […]

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An Earthly Chance that You Will Save Yourself, Your Planet and Humanity

The Regenerative Agriculture movement promises to sequester a trillion tons[1] of atmospheric carbon dioxide into agricultural soils[2] and save us from Climate Change.  There is indeed An Earthly Chance[3] that human beings will come to understand that sequestering atmospheric carbon into our agricultural soils and agricultural products, like wood products and lumber, is the only

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Climate Change and Realty Therapy

I have often suggested that we are only a matter of a few to several decades away from Climate-Change-related annihilation, but that matters little to most of us who are protected by a military that that runs on the cheapest, most plentiful, reliable, scalable, and thus the most indispensable fuel on planet earth – fossil

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lokta volterra and atmospheric CO2

Our planet’s atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have varied substantially in the last 500 million years, and we are currently living in an era (The Quarternary Era[1]) of extremely low atmospheric CO2 levels (Figure 1).[2]  The highest atmospheric CO2 levels existed during the Cambrian Era (see Figure 1), and were about 16 times higher than the

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World Overpopulation, Climate Change and the Overton Window

The United Nations sponsored graph below, ten years outdated (2011), suggests that the world’s population could explode to nearly 16 billion by 2100 unless significant efforts are made to control population growth.  The World’s population is currently accelerating at 1.1% every year[1] and could easily surpass the 16 billion depicted in the graph below.  The

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Alternative Energy Sources

Trillions of US tax dollars have funded alternative energy sources in an irrational and misguided attempt to destroy the petroleum industry which provides the only source of energy generation that is inexpensive, reliable, portable, scalable, and plentiful.  Like most illogical and wasteful government spending, politicians and bureaucrats somehow expect the world to somehow shift its

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